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New York Marathon Climb Rate

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Started by : Ann Langdale on 05/02/12

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Photo View Member Profile Ann LangdaleView Member Profile Member since March 2011 Posted 11 years ago

Peter, I can't believe that I have only just seen your post on this thread! I was just randomly doing a google search on climb rates (as sometimes they don't seem to correlate with the run you have just experienced!!) and your response to my post last year came up in the results!

New York is definitely still on the bucket list if finances allow but on the back burner for the moment so am concentrating on my first half marathon in March and then if that goes ok, another half in the autumn. Think I will then try the ballot for London 2014. If I don't get a place, as seems likely, then I might try Greater Manchester - at least it's pretty flat! :)

Really hope that New York materialises eventually and will bear in mind what you have said for the future. Many thanks! :)

Photo View Member Profile Ann LangdaleView Member Profile Member since March 2011 Posted 12 years ago

Thank you Fin! I have already had a brief look at your uploaded route and I would guess that I will definitely be coming back to it over the next few weeks!

Although I have been running for almost three years now, I run mostly for fun and don't have much race experience, and none at marathon distance but I would love to have a stab at such an amazing race. Definitely one to tick off the bucket list!! (Although I will try to get some experience at intermediate distances first!)

I know that I would need to prepare carefully as I know that inexperience and over enthusiasm can cause all sorts of problems for me! I learnt a huge lesson from making a total mess of my first attempt at a 10k last year which I think will stand me in good stead now as I progress with my running. I felt that I was fit and knew that I should have no problem with the distance but was caught out by the fact that we were racing on the hottest and most humid Sunday of last summer (I don't cope well with heat and humidity apparently!) and the fact that, because I was feeling really enthusiastic and didn't know the course, I set off like a train over the first 5k, which was around an old aerodrome and so was pretty flat and a 'road' type surface. By the time I reached the 5k mark I was already feeling a bit weird in the heat but the course then went off cross country and apparently I don't do hills or grass either(!!) and had to walk 2k before running the final kilometre!!

I was so disappointed with myself but learnt a massive lesson from my mistake. Nothing I can do about heat and don't think I will ever run well on a really hot, humid day (at least that wouldn't be a problem in New York in November!!) but since that disastrous effort I have tried to pick running routes which incorporate a few more hills and cross country type running so that I will be better prepared in future. Whereas the climb rate of my previous run routes had been about 6m (basically flat!) I now use a route that is 9m and another that is 10m, one of which is off road. I don't think that hill running is going to be a forte of mine either but I am looking around locally for other, more hilly routes that I can try. My main worry now would be what appears to be the giant, monster hill at the start of the NYC marathon!! :)

Photo View Member Profile Fin ScanlonView Member Profile Member since May 2010 Posted 12 years ago

Thanks Elly.  Have followed your instructions and it is now on the shared races route (although the distance is a little suspect!).

Photo Elly SmithView Member Profile Member since May 2011 Posted 12 years ago

Fin you can export your run from Garmin connect as a GPS file (.gpx) and then in the Routes and Races tab, upload a route from GPS and away you go! I love this feature of GRG as lots of races now seem to have their routes plotted in ways that you can pull out a GPS file for! Good luck :D

Photo View Member Profile Fin ScanlonView Member Profile Member since May 2010 Posted 12 years ago

I did this in November having won an entry and return flight in a draw!   Having only been running for two and a half years and with it being only my 3rd marathon (the other 2 were London 2010 and 2011) I don't have much to compare it with but it was my fastest (3hrs 29m 17).  I've got it mapped on my Garmin but the signal losses from going on the bottom deck of bridges and the tall buildings in Manhattan make the altitude readings meaningless.  There are lengthy gradients;  the Verrano Narrows bridge at the start, and then the Queensboro Bridge at mile 16ish being most significant.  After that there are and the "undulations" from 22m to the finish, but there are not "hills" as such and nothing to psyche you out.  You just have to be aware not to overcook the first couple of miles and remember to back off a little on the Queensboro Bridge to avoid collapsing on 1st Avenue where the best crowds are! 

I'm not too sure how to upload the route from Garmin Connect to GRG (Andy can you advise?) but I can very highly recommend the event.  It was an amazing experience and having managed to get a fast enough time for automatic entry next year only wish I could justify the cash to go again!

Photo View Member Profile Andy at GRGView Member Profile Member since March 2006 Posted 12 years ago

That's quite an interesting question Ann. Commentators are always on about the hills, in Central Park especially, which is why it is a 'slow' course, and now i wonder exactly how hilly it is. i don't remember it being particularily bad from jogging there many years ago.

Photo View Member Profile Ann LangdaleView Member Profile Member since March 2011 Posted 12 years ago

I have no idea why I'm posting this question really, (other than idle curiosity at this stage!!) as I am nowhere near attempting to run this race yet but I am fascinated by the possibility and challenge of doing so with my daughter, maybe in a couple of years time as my running progresses.

However, I do seem to have developed a bit of a 'thing' about it at the moment so thought that I would just ask the question (more in hope than expectation!) before I have to resort to actually mapping the entire route on GRG myself!

I have looked at the route and at the Elevation profile on the marathon website but it doesn't really mean much to me in terms of the climb rates on mine and other peoples training runs which I can actually relate to. Has anyone by any chance actually mapped the race route who would care to share the details and hill profile/climb rate with me, just to humour me??!! :D

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