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Started by : john on 13/06/11

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Photo johnView Member Profile Member since May 2009 Posted 13 years ago

Hi All,

Ive just returned from 11 days holiday, where i must say i did a little to much eating and drinking, although i did do lots of coastal walks, anyway ive just been out for my first run in 2 weeks and OMG what a shock. I thought i would start with a 3.8 mile run but after 10 mins everything ached and i really thought i was going to have to stop and walk. I managed to continue for another 5 or 6 mins at which point i could no longer go on. Decided to stop and try to regain my energy. After a couple of mins i felt strong enough to go on and did manage to finish the rest of the course but in a state that can only be discribed as totally knackered!!

My problem is, that on July 10th i am completing in the Newforest 10 miler and after that performance, i cant see me finishing a 5 miler. Can someone please advise me the best way to regain at least some of my fitness by then. My normal time is between 8.50-9.15 mins per mile.



Photo View Member Profile Mike SheridanView Member Profile Member since August 2010 Posted 13 years ago

John, LOL - got that tee shirt as well!

I suggest you run every other day- say Tues Thurs Sat Mon Wed (WK1) gently and see how you feel. Increase time by 3-5 mins each time, not pace until you are back to where you were.

If you over do it you risk an injury...

If WK1 is succesful then you can increase by a mile or two in WK2 again in WK3 - by my reckonong this will take you to end of 1st wk in July and then you should actually ease down a little to taper for the race day.

To be honest, there's not much more you can do, but if you really press too hard now you won't make the start line

Tortoise & the hare or tortoise & the snail - I don't know which!

Good luck and keep us posted.

Photo johnView Member Profile Member since May 2009 Posted 13 years ago

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your words of encouragement. Ran again today, 3.5 miles again and while is wasnt easy it was far better than my last run. managed to run at 9.13 per mile which im happy with. Looking to finish the new forest 10 in under 1.35 so got a bit more to do yet but i have a few weeks yet. Only slight problem is that im doing the Round the Island Sailing race next weekend and that certainly take it out of you.

Still think positive. Im gonna get there. LOL

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