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Pulled Stomach Muscle?

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Started by : Elly Smith on 09/01/13

Viewed : 3941 times


Total Posts : 2  (Oldest First)   Show Most Recent First
Photo Elly SmithView Member Profile Member since May 2011 Posted 11 years ago

Hi All,

Bit of advice needed on a possible injury: I keep getting a pain in my stomach when running - it starts off feeling like a stitch but doesn't keep acting like one (and hangs around!) This first happened to me on my first half marathon in March and has recently reared it's head a couple of times - I've been trying to work out if there is something that causes it but I can't see any pattern.

It's definitely not food related - that much I've worked out - and GENERALLY seems to go away after 3 or 4 miles: up to that point I generally stop and walk a few paces until it stops or stop for half a minute if it hurts really badly.  The other thing I noticed is that it generally only hurts when I breathe out (which makes me wonder if it's related to my diaphragm - but I'm not sure if the pain is in the right place).

Any thoughts?

Photo david foulkes-williams Member since March 2011 Posted 10 years ago

Hi All,


I have had this exact same thing, in the lower groin, sometimes from the very start, sometimes about a mile in and then other times when i open up for speed or up hill. it came to a head about 3 months ago doing fartlek/parlauf training (i am in the army) i have been trying to recover for a while but as with anything as you seem to e making progress it is back to square one.


i am now back in gentle running training about 4-6 miles at a time and doing some core exercises but because my fitness has dwindled i now keep having aches and pains in joints and bones, especially my heals. i am how ever waiting on a new pair of asics 2000's as the nike i have offer terrrible support and cushioning and i hope they help with my recovery.

really glad i found this topic as i was getting worried but seems quite common, any other advice would be greatly recieved!! i do hydrate and have a banana a day at least!!

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