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Route Map - Arnside Knott Race extended route

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ROUTE NAME Arnside Knott Race extended route
DISTANCE 6.00 miles   CLIMB RATE 55 m/mile
TOTAL CLIMB 330 metres   FLAT EQUIV DISTANCE 6.92 miles
NOTES Extended route for 2016 onwards.Same as the original out route all the way to the Knott trig point. THEN FOLLOWS A NEW ANTI CLOCKWISE LOOP on the north side of the Knott ,down into Red Hills and back up the field on the opposite side of Sauls Drive/Knott Lane before REJOINING the out and back route at CP5 at the top of the Copridding Wood path to return to the finish via CPs 4,3,2 and 1. YOU MUST USE THE PEDESTRIAN GATES ON THE COURSE. IF YOU CLIMB OVER ANY STOCK GATES WALLS OR FENCES YOU''LL BE DISQUALIFIED. TAKE SPECIAL CARE WHERE THE ROUTE SHARES THE NEW BARNS AND SAULS DRIVE ROADS/TRACKS WITH VEHICLES.
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