Unblocking Google Satellite Maps



Identifying the Problem


If you have problems accessing satellite map images it could be because Google is blocking your computer’s access.  Google sometimes suspends access from computers if they have been using the maps a lot in a short space of time. It does this to try to stop people downloading large areas of maps for unauthorised use but unfortunately this does occasionally affect people using Google's maps for genuine purposes.


If this happens, all computers that share the same IP address will be affected as Google would block access from a given IP address - for typical home installations this would normally be all computers in the house. This would not just affect the maps on GoodRunGuide but also access to satelllite maps on other sites including Google's own map site (maps.google.com).


If Google blocks your access to the satellite maps, your maps are likely to look like this example below. You will probably still be able to see the street map view if you click on 'Map'.







Resolving the Problem


To confirm that Google is blocking your access to satellite maps, click on the following link or copy and paste it to your browser.  This link makes a direct access to one of Google’s satellite maps images. 





This should display a single satellite map tile but if you get a screen similar to the one below, this confirms that Google has temporarily blocked your access to its satellite maps.




To get the block removed, enter the security characters. You should then see a single satellite image and can now close this window.


After a short period Google should unblock your access. Please note, it will not normally be instantaneous but our experience is that the block is normally removed fairly quickly. 



Other Issues


If you have a different issue with the maps or the above steps have not helped there is further advice from Google here specifically for Internet Explorer.